BA Girls Softball League

Proposed AMENDMENTs to the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations

To submit a proposed change to the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, please fill out the form by clicking on the button below and clicking on the "Submit" when complete. 


All proposed amendments must be submitted to the BA GIRLS SOFTBALL office by December 15th of current year.  

Any Member may propose amendments.

(Members are defined from the By-Laws, Page 1, Section 2: MEMBERS – Membership in this corporation will be as follows: Each current team shall enlist a manager and two coaches who are BA Girls Softball League (BAGSL) officially registered; BAGSL officially registered coaches that participate in BAGSL play within the immediate previous twelve (12) calendar months; and the BAGSL board members shall have voting rights at General Membership.)

All proposals will be voted on at the General Membership meeting held in February. Adoption requires 50% + 1 majority of Members present.